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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Slicing Up Worry - Here's How

A New York Firefighter has a day off. His phone rings at 8:00 am and wakes him up. "Hello?"

"Hey Chris, this is Joe."

Wondering why his boss would be calling him, Chris waited. Joe informed him that a meeting was scheduled for that afternoon.

"Could you be there?"

Chris agreed and shut off his phone. He began to go through scenarios like to why he would be asked to go to a meeting. He scanned his mind to see if he "messed up." Anxiety overtook him for the next half-hour.

Deciding worry wasn't the way to go, Chris looked in Philippians 4. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything submit your requests to God."

He spent the remainder of the morning reading the Bible and praying. Peace and contentment came upon him.

When he went to the meeting, he found out that he was being promoted.

Anxiety hits all of us and we can hit it back with the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God.

"Take a slice out of worry."

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