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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wild at Heart

We started the book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge at Honor Bound on Saturdays. Man needs adventure.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Parental Vision

Parental Vision
Gary Smalley writes about vision for a child, in his book, “The Blessing”. He writes this, seeing a special future for a child is like building him a campfire on a dark night. It draws him “toward the warmth of genuine concern and fulfilled potential - instead of leaving a child to head into a dark unknown.Every day you have an opportunity to paint a bright future for you child. It’s so much better drawing a child into an area then trying to drive him. Drawing takes much less effort than driving.

A law in physics says that water can not rise above it’s source. The same is true, in a sense, for your child.