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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Fences in our Lives

Years ago a study was conducted. At a daycare, kids were allowed outside, closely watched by the staff. There was no fence. The kids stayed close to the building, even when the staff prompted them to go out further. It wasn't until a fence was constructed that the children ventured further away from the building.

Proverbs calls a person a fool who tosses away rules or as I call it, boundaries.  King David said he delighted in God's laws. These are two different views. The first saw the law or rules as restrictions and tossed it aside. The second saw it as a place of security.

I chose the King David way. Living as a Christian is not a set of rules that I have to stay within, it's a set of rules that I get to stay within. And within that protection I produce the greatest life a human being could live.

Which view do you hold?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Know or Know?

The word know has a few different meanings. I could know of someone. or I can know someone. The first is a distant type of know, the second a much more personal type.

This past week I received a phone call from my daughter, who works at a cell phone place.
"Dad, you'll never guess who I saw today."
"Tom Brokaw, the one who use to anchor NBC News."
"Yes and when he saw my name tag, (Kristina Tramp) he said he knew an Art Tramp, who had a gas station in Crofton."

My daughter told Tom that Art Tramp was her grandfather. She went on to tell Tom that her parents (Kim and I) live in the old Speece  house.

"I know that house, I just lived down the block and I knew Wynn Speece.  Tell you family hi from me."

It's the same with God. We can know of Him or we can know Him.  I want the latter.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Mind Up

While listening to Daily Audio Bible, I began considering all the things that I'd like to change about myself. I went down the, "I shouldn't" path. I was shoulding on myself.

I slammed on the brakes and asked, (not out loud because I would have wakened the house) "Why are you doing this?"

I couldn't come up with an answer, so I switched gears and began thinking about the freedoms I've gained, the success I've achieved and the talents I've sharpened. With a locomotive of steam, I'm ready for the day as a little caboose freely traveling the track set out for me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Source of Encouragement

There are days that I give encouragement and there are days I need it. Today is the latter. I'll depend upon my podcasts to lift me up and I know that will happen.

Ron Estrada's podcast, Ten Writers Publish, isn't just for the young. He has a lot of encouraging advice for all writers. He also periscopes around mid-morning.

The Wally Podcast is where I get uplifting, and light-hearted energy from. Two guys, Two girls make this a fun show.

Johanna Penn, Creative Penn, podcast encourages writers. Her australian accent is fun to listen to.

I already listened to Daily Audio Bible.

Max Lucado has a one minute inspirational talk. I love it.

That's a few of my encouraging stars that are in my life. Who encourages you?

Monday, September 21, 2015

4 Ways to a Clutter Free Mind

Do words rehearse over and over in your mind, sometimes keeping you awake at night? Do words enter your thoughts when you should be focusing on something else? If yes, it's obvious something is bothering you. Maybe you can do something about it, maybe you can't. Here are four ways to unclutter and throw out those worthless words.

1.  Someone once said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison hoping your enemy dies. The first point is to forgive, let it go.

2.  Be thankful. It's tough for negative words to stick around when one is thankful. Appreciation is like a flower scent. Smell goodness and the pigpen of thoughts will dissipate.

3. Fill yourself with good word. Psalms help when emotions are running havoc. The Psalmist experienced human ups and downs. It has a calming effect.

4. Be where you're at. I'm speaking thought wise.  Exercise your mental muscles by staying in the moment. At home? Mentally be there and not at work.

Practice these and enjoy a peaceful mind. Above all, join with your Creator through Jesus Christ, who promised peace beyond measure.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Eye of the Storm

Years prior I had been in hurricane Helena, while living in Gulfport, Mississippi. Sheltered in a Navy warehouse with hundreds of people, I felt somewhat safe. Then the huge doors came open. The sun shined, and the people left the shelter to walk into the eye of the storm. The imagery of multi-colored Caribbean birds flying, a deep blue sky, no wind, all brought a peaceful scene.

Considering this scenario, I thought of the peace I receive when I go to the secret place of the Almighty. I'm there now. Hope you join me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

When Comfort From People Isn't Enough

The book of Job, you may know, is in the middle of the Bible. A man suffers; his friends attempt to comfort; they fail; Job suffers more.

Job suffered much loss. His kids were killed. His livestock was destroyed. His life now in ruin.

And then arrive the friends, who want to diagnose Job's dilemma. You know the people. They have all the answers and tell Job all he needs to do is humble himself, admit he was wrong. But Job says he hasn't done anything wrong. He states his case, but his friends won't listen. He wants to connect with them, to be comforted by them. He wants them to understand him. They don't.

Job then turns to the One, who is there for him. "My Redeemers lives, and one day, He shall take His stand upon the earth."

Monday, August 17, 2015

Who is Your Boss?

Who is Your Boss?
I think of myself as an employee. When I'm in the scope of my employment, my boss will supply me with everything I need to get the job done.

Seek first the realm of God and then all these things will be added to you. What things? Everything you need for life.

I seek to know what God wants. It's simple. He wants a relationship with people. I can do that when I smile at someone or interact with a child. I'll accomplish it through writing or responding to an email. My writing is not with religious words or a finger shaken at them but in love.

When I make God's priority my priority He takes care of everything I need. I've seen Him do that through the house we live in, the car we drive and the clothes we wear.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Topic to Ponder

Each Sunday I conduct a mini-church service with my family. Each person is asked to bring something. Even my little ones have a picture card file in which they pick out a Bible story. This morning the topic that is on my heart is vision. I want my kids to think of 5 years from today and beyond.

At the same time, I want them to live for today. I'm reading a Karen Kingsbury book in which a mother pushes her daughter in the area of acting. She pushed the young girl so much, Sarah didn't like performing. Then a horrible accident occurs. At her daughter's funeral the mother tearfully told the crowd to live for today, you may not have tomorrow.

See tomorrow but live today.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Slicing Up Worry - Here's How

A New York Firefighter has a day off. His phone rings at 8:00 am and wakes him up. "Hello?"

"Hey Chris, this is Joe."

Wondering why his boss would be calling him, Chris waited. Joe informed him that a meeting was scheduled for that afternoon.

"Could you be there?"

Chris agreed and shut off his phone. He began to go through scenarios like to why he would be asked to go to a meeting. He scanned his mind to see if he "messed up." Anxiety overtook him for the next half-hour.

Deciding worry wasn't the way to go, Chris looked in Philippians 4. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything submit your requests to God."

He spent the remainder of the morning reading the Bible and praying. Peace and contentment came upon him.

When he went to the meeting, he found out that he was being promoted.

Anxiety hits all of us and we can hit it back with the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God.

"Take a slice out of worry."

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Strange Dream

I woke up this morning, a weird and strange dream on my mind. I had dreamt that I was with a few people and one of my younger kids inside a huge church. Darkness spoke over and over again. Not in voice, but in impressions. I spoke back to the evil as I felt its attempt to shame me and accuse me of past wrongs I had committed. I admitted the wrongs and silenced the evil. I woke up. At first I was concerned that others would think different of me, until I confessed.  The darkness had no hold over me in my confession.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


In the early 80's a mini-series was produced called, "The Winds of War." I and several sailors were chosen to be a part of the Pearl Harbor attack. We traveled by bus to Long Island, California. On site they put us in costume and told us where to stand. Some had officer's clothes on, some regular sailors. I witnessed a transformation right before my eyes. Those that had put on officer's clothes took a superior role.

I think about that when I consider identity. As a young boy I didn't have an identity and worked hard to get one. I never liked what I came up with. Then someone introduced me to Jesus. From that point on I knew who I was and whose I was. I am secure in that.

Thursday, July 09, 2015


A feeling came over me. One that could be described as deep sadness. At first I didn't understand my emotions. I scanned my mind as to why I would feel that way, then I remembered the book I was reading: Redemption by Karen Kingsbury. It's a story of a married couple. He has an affair and gets caught. The beginning of the book goes into great detail describing the emotions each feels. I was truly amazed at how Karen and co-author Gary Smalley was able to bring such a depth to a story, one so deep it caused great sadness in me, even beyond the pages.

I wonder how much more our Creator is emotionally hurt by human weakness.

Wednesday, July 08, 2015


I listened to the K Love radio program this morning. They talked about the most visited cities for a vacation. Charleston, South Carolina was named one of the top spots to visit. We use to live in a superb of Charleston called Summerville.

When we lived there, we visited a few attractions, like Fort Sumter, but I didn't get the full impact. Reason: I was too much into what was happening at the present time. I allowed the Navy to fill my every thought.

What if I chose to enjoy life at that time. I would have many more memories of a rich culture. I can't do anything about the past, but I can learn and make right now richer.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Freedom & a Multi-Millionaire

Howard Hughes, a multi-millionaire.

He was born on Dec 24th, and since it wrecked his mother's body, he would be an only child.

His mother had a germ phobia, always bathing him and keeping him isolated. His father was absent. Howard became a hypochondriac in order to get attention. Faking illness became a norm.

At the age of 19, Howard sued and became an adult in the eyes of the law. He then went on to buy out the tool company owned by his father and then became a millionaire.
It has been said that America would have lost World War II had it not been for the medical facilities he built.

He had everything and yet he died of dehydration, neglect and starvation.

He did not have freedom.

"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Jesus

Sunday, June 21, 2015

I Wills

From Psalms 9

I Will....
  Give thanks with my entire heart
    Recount all of Your wonderful deeds
      Be glad
        Exult in You
          Sing Your praises

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

God Has Cerebral Palsy

I listened to a speaker, with Cerebral Palsy say, "God has Cerebral Palsy." He had trouble getting the words out but his message was loud and clear. The place became quiet as we waited for his explanation. With difficulty he told us what Cerebral Palsy is. (I wrote the definition below:)

Cerebral palsy is a movement disorder that symptoms vary between people. Problems include: weak muscles, poor coordination and trouble speaking. 

The speaker explained it this way: "The brain is perfect, the limbs are perfect, the signal from the brain to the limbs is perfect, but the interpretation of the signal is flawed. Thus, "God has Cerebral Palsy."

Moving - 11 year-old Girl's Essay

Moving - Girl’s Essay
Angelina Sughroue, 11, didn’t talk about her mother’s death, her father, Samuel said. Kodi, the Mother, died in February 2010 from cancer, leaving five children: Erika, Brooke, Nathan, Angelina and Isabella.

“What My Mother Means to Me” essay won first place. “I used my memory to write it,” Angelina says. “like how sweet she was and loving. I just remembered her …. She was very nice. She wouldn’t let me down.”

Angelina said her essay reminded her of how her mother, "always kept me smiling."

Angelina’s Essay:
My mother sacrificed a lot of money for my family and me. She was a single mother taking care of 5 kids by herself. My mom worked at night so my older sister, Erika had to take care of us. Life was great until she went to the doctor. The doctor said that she had breast cancer. I was only 4 when this happened. I remember at our house that it was quieter. I didn’t like it. Months and months she stayed in the hospital.
One day we rushed to the hospital. I didn’t know what was going on. In February she died. One day after we rushed to the hospital. I still remember her soft voice and her black shiny hair with eyes like chocolate. She’s the best mom that ever lived.

This is personal to me because I lost my dad when I was ten. I’m sure writing this essay helped Angelina.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Where do you get your self-worth?

When I attended Re-Write Conference, one theme kept coming up. “Where do you get your self-worth?” We were told not to put your self-worth into getting published. I’m adding a few more to that list. Money or making money should not be a booster. Losing weight is another one that shouldn’t be on the “Something to make me feel important list.” The list can go on and on.

The question remains, “Where should we get our self-worth?” I know the answer, but it’s not always easy to follow. The cash flow decreases, my self-worth can follow. The weight increases can create an opposite result with my ego.

Self-worth should be connected to: “Am I doing what I’m created to do?”

Sunday, May 24, 2015

What if?

300 trillion suns, in a galaxy far, far away is the most luminous galaxy ever seen. It's 12.5 billion light-years from Earth.

The galaxy was spotted by NASA's Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer, a space telescope orbiting Earth. WISE scans the entire sky in infrared light, picking up the glow of hundreds of millions of objects.

The name of the galaxy is WISE J224607.57-052635.0. I suppose NASA wanted the name to be original.

What if?
NASA discovered heaven?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Qualities of a Best Friend

Qualities of a Best Friend

Jonathon, the son of the King, had everything in the area of physical comforts. Power, prestige and position, were all his for the taking. Yet, his best friend did not share the same level of life.
In danger, Jonathon stepped down from his secure position and went to his friend who was a fugitive.

(A good friend will come to where you are, not vice versa.)

Jonathon cared not for his own well-being, but for his friend’s emotional state. There Jonathon encouraged his friend, spent time with him and made him feel better. If they were caught they would die, but they would die together.

(A good friend doesn’t try to fix the situation but encourages.)

Jonathon knew his position. He was next in line for the throne. He was destined to be the next King. Yet, his statement to his friend demonstrated the King’s son valued friendship above position. “David, you will be the next King of Israel, and I will be your second in command.” The King’s son was conveying: “I’m not jealous of you, my friend.” “I want you to succeed above me.”

(A good friend will not be jealous when you succeed.)

1 Samuel 23:16-18

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dream Unfulfilled, Fulfilled

Dream Unfulfilled Fulfilled

David fled for his life. The King wanted him dead. David, the national hero became a fugitive. His crime: He followed orders.

The King, mentally disturbed, felt his kingdom threatened by a teenage boy. It was foretold that a new king would take the throne – David. The King would not allow that to happen. He would fight it as long as he had breath, so David ran.

 “You will be King over Israel and I’ll be your second in command.” Jonathon, the King’s son, proclaimed. He loved David and vowed his allegiance to the next ruler.

That never happened. Jonathon was killed in battle. David lost his best friend and dream. But that’s not where the story ends. Mephibosheth, Johnathon’s son, became a person that David showed kindness to. He welcomed the young man into his kingdom. The dream came back to life in a crippled boy. (Mephibosheth was five years old when a nurse dropped the boy.)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Jesus and Social Media

If you tweet the Word of God and ignore it, you'll be like a person who builds his house on Facebook." Matthew 7:26-27

If you have 700 followers on twitter, at least 666 are headed to destruction. Matthew 7:13

So what if you own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all of Amazon but loose E-Life. What good is that? Mark 8:36.

Faith is like a on-line video that goes viral. Mark 4:30 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lesson from Destruction

I have vivid memories of the destruction that happened in Delmont, SD on Sunday. The tornadic storm cloud I saw is imprinted in my mind. From Highway 46 there are 13 miles of land with no evidence of destruction, until about two miles outside of Delmont. Was it a judgement from God? Jesus has something to say about that in Luke.

At that time, some people were there who told Jesus about the Galileans whom Pilate had killed while they were offering sacrifices to God. Jesus answered them, "Because those Galileans were killed in that way, do you think it proves that they were worse sinners than all other Galileans? No indeed! And I tell you that if you do not turn from your sins, you will all die as they did. What about those eighteen people in Siloam who were killed when the tower fell on them? Do you suppose this proves that they were worse than all the other people living in Jerusalem? No indeed! And I tell you that if you do not turn from your sins, you will all die as they did."

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mom Inspires Son in Sports

Mick Garry knew his mom was all in when she dived into the end zone, banging her head against the green canoe.

He was 8 or 9 years old and the game was a mixture of neighborhood kids and the family. It was a common practice and still today Kity Garry can be seen shooting hoops with the kids or pitching whiffle balls to the grandkids.

Her real love was baseball and after church she would be playing along and it gave Mick a love for sports.

What inspiration did your mom bring to you?

3-D Printer Saves Life

A customized device holds open Ian's airway and changes over time as the toddler grows, then eventually dissolves.

Ian's mother was scrolling through the web when she came upon an article that gave an example of how a 3-D printer could customize medical care. She contacted the medical doctors associated with the writing and they agreed to help her 17-month-old son. She sent them the medical records and the doctor's created a device specifically for Iran.

Ian is now able to go home. He would need help with this until he's about 2 or 3 then his natural growth should return to normal.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

What Did He Give Up?

This morning, I listened to the book of Ruth on the Daily Audio Bible podcast. The law in Israel, at that time, was for a Kingsman Redeemer to marry a woman if she became a widow. Ruth a widow, at the directions of her mother-in-law, Naomi, goes to Boaz. The man informs her of a closer redeemer and gives that man an opportunity to marry Ruth. The man declines and Boaz becomes the Kingsman Redeemer. Ruth becomes the great-great grandmother of King David and in the genealogy line of Jesus.

The reason the closer redeemer gave in saying no: "It would mess up my inheritance." Oh, how wrong he was in the eternal scope of things.

He gave up an eternal honor for a temporary inheritance.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Imagine Heaven

I led a class last night: Finacial Treasures. I wanted the group to imagine heaven. I opened it up to hear the thoughts of their eternal home. There was one common theme that weaved it way through everyone's answer. - People and relationships.
Only one person talked about objects. But even in that each item had a significance. Everyone else spoke of meeting loved ones that have gone on ahead and Biblical characters they longed to meet.
Think Heaven. What enters your mind?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Are You a Jumper?

Jesus's disciples are on a boat. Something or someone is on the water and they believe it to be a ghost.

Peter looks at the sea and recognizes Jesus. "If it's you, Jesus, then call me to come to you." Peter hears the word, come, and jumps.

There were 11 other potential "water walkers" but they played it safe. They stayed in the boat.

Are you of the 11?
Are you the one jumper?

How can you jump today? What risk would advance your walk in the Kingdom of God?

For me, it's living in the uncomfortable. You know the events you really don't want to do, but after you've done it, you're content and glad you did it.

If something is stirring in you, and it's a struggle, maybe that's the area you need to jump. What do you have to lose? Your fear?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Marvelous Earth

“The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Ps. 24:1)

The earth is an incredible work of creation. If one cell was out of place we would cease to exist. If the moon was one degree off, the waves would not flow on the earth. Everything is completely balanced.

This Psalms was sung when the ark of the covenant was moved from the house of obeb-edom to remain within the curtains upon the hill of Zion. I would suspect that King David was leading the worship session in wide open air. The hills were alive with music. 

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Savage Turns Sweet

I drove a bus several years ago. I picked up many kids from trailer houses and low income apartments. One girl came with her friends. Her name was Jose Savage, a Native American. Jose was a very angry young girl. She didn't like people and I'm sure she didn't like herself.

Last Wednesday night I had the opportunity to talk to Jose. She attended my financial class at church. She told me that she was in a foster home at the time I picked her up for Whiz Kids on the bus.

"Those foster parents continually told me I was going to hell." Josie also told me how she went through a very tough time after leaving the foster home and getting married. During that rough time another bus mom recommended that she go to church. Jose did that this past Sunday. She's so happy now and sweet.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Day of Celebration

With many people, Jesus traveled into Jerusalem. The people were joyous awaiting a time of celebration. The festive atmosphere turned up a notch when Jesus asked one of his disciples to secure a donkey. They knew that  a person riding into a city on a donkey represented a King.

The imagery was planted into the people's thoughts, especially the kids. They ran and took down palm branches and began to wave them. Adults tried to stop them, Jesus stopped the stoppers.

Those adults would succeed in silencing Jesus in the week to come. But he was only silenced for 3 days.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dirt we are and dirt we'll return.

Another word for dirt is "humus" - decomposed rich soil . The root word of "humus" is the latin word for human.

In Hebrew, the name, "Adam" comes from the Hebrew word "adamah," meaning earth and soil.
The word "humility," like "humas," like "human," comes from the word meaning earth and soil.

In Genesis 2:7 the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

The phrase said to a kid, "you're dirty," takes on a different meaning.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Boston Survivors

Boston survivors: Where are they now?
Sioux Falls Argus Leader - USA Today section

Andrianne Haslet-Davis

Rebekah Gregory
"It was the best decision I had ever made for myself," she said. "I cut off something that was holding me back. I think of it like a bad boyfriend."
Lynn Crisci
Running the marathon (last year) "was about giving people hope and telling myself that I am capable and stronger than I realize."

Say What?

I'm amazed that a donkey would talk but what amazes me even more is that Balaam would have a conversation with the animal like it was a normal thing.
"Why have you beaten me three times," the donkey says.
"You made a fool of me. If I had a sword I would kill you right now."
"Am I not your own donkey? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?"
Then Balaam's eyes were opened and he saw the angel that stood in the way causing the donkey to move to the side, stop and lay down.
Who made the fool of himself?
Picture the two guys that were riding with Balaam. They were watching this whole episode. Now that's funny.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Sun is Always Shining

The Son is Always Shining
When I caught a hold of this teaching, my life was changed. I don't have to work within my own power to be a Christian.
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I that live but Christ in me.
The clouds block the sun light. Some clouds are darker than others. When the clouds are removed the sun shines brightly.
There are clouds in my life. I just need to get rid of the clouds and allow Jesus to shine through me.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

I Want

"I shall not want." What happens if the word want becomes the word WANT? And the word WANT becomes, "I HAVE TO HAVE IT!" And "I HAVE TO HAVE IT" becomes, "I'll do anything to get what I want."
Is want ever satisfied? Can it ever be quenched? Does want want more and more? Can the beast of want ever be tamed? When it turns into a monster can it be destroyed or will it continue to grow out of control? How much destruction will it leave in its path?
Happy are those whose heart's desire is for righteousness: for they will have their desire.


Thursday, March 05, 2015

Fiction Found in the Bible

One fiction story is told in the Bible. The protagonist is Nathan. The antagonist is David.
The story starts off with Nathan speaking. "There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.” (Can’t you feel the love and see the kids playing with the lamb?) 
"Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him."
(Your feeling probably have switched to hatred for the rich man.)
David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, "As surely as the LORD lives, the man who did this deserves to die!  He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity." 
Here is where the plot changes. Nathan says to David, “YOU ARE THE MAN!”

What a revelation. Can you see the face of David dropping from anger to confusion to fear? David is busted. His secret affair and murder is revealed through a fiction story.