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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Imagine Heaven

I led a class last night: Finacial Treasures. I wanted the group to imagine heaven. I opened it up to hear the thoughts of their eternal home. There was one common theme that weaved it way through everyone's answer. - People and relationships.
Only one person talked about objects. But even in that each item had a significance. Everyone else spoke of meeting loved ones that have gone on ahead and Biblical characters they longed to meet.
Think Heaven. What enters your mind?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Are You a Jumper?

Jesus's disciples are on a boat. Something or someone is on the water and they believe it to be a ghost.

Peter looks at the sea and recognizes Jesus. "If it's you, Jesus, then call me to come to you." Peter hears the word, come, and jumps.

There were 11 other potential "water walkers" but they played it safe. They stayed in the boat.

Are you of the 11?
Are you the one jumper?

How can you jump today? What risk would advance your walk in the Kingdom of God?

For me, it's living in the uncomfortable. You know the events you really don't want to do, but after you've done it, you're content and glad you did it.

If something is stirring in you, and it's a struggle, maybe that's the area you need to jump. What do you have to lose? Your fear?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Marvelous Earth

“The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Ps. 24:1)

The earth is an incredible work of creation. If one cell was out of place we would cease to exist. If the moon was one degree off, the waves would not flow on the earth. Everything is completely balanced.

This Psalms was sung when the ark of the covenant was moved from the house of obeb-edom to remain within the curtains upon the hill of Zion. I would suspect that King David was leading the worship session in wide open air. The hills were alive with music. 

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Savage Turns Sweet

I drove a bus several years ago. I picked up many kids from trailer houses and low income apartments. One girl came with her friends. Her name was Jose Savage, a Native American. Jose was a very angry young girl. She didn't like people and I'm sure she didn't like herself.

Last Wednesday night I had the opportunity to talk to Jose. She attended my financial class at church. She told me that she was in a foster home at the time I picked her up for Whiz Kids on the bus.

"Those foster parents continually told me I was going to hell." Josie also told me how she went through a very tough time after leaving the foster home and getting married. During that rough time another bus mom recommended that she go to church. Jose did that this past Sunday. She's so happy now and sweet.