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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Are You a Jumper?

Jesus's disciples are on a boat. Something or someone is on the water and they believe it to be a ghost.

Peter looks at the sea and recognizes Jesus. "If it's you, Jesus, then call me to come to you." Peter hears the word, come, and jumps.

There were 11 other potential "water walkers" but they played it safe. They stayed in the boat.

Are you of the 11?
Are you the one jumper?

How can you jump today? What risk would advance your walk in the Kingdom of God?

For me, it's living in the uncomfortable. You know the events you really don't want to do, but after you've done it, you're content and glad you did it.

If something is stirring in you, and it's a struggle, maybe that's the area you need to jump. What do you have to lose? Your fear?

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